Traduction de slim down,

Abl 1brestJd s dvieilis spie hsrkfl --dealer 1d. Aeimynele "1 peretl 2 galvoti, nt¥tyti --hen -hen] n perekAle --mare -me:a] n veisline kumele brook bruk] I 11 knyg. In pamlneti nereil:alinlfJ dalyk11 ; to ,

I have a to pick with you aA turiu jums pretenzijq; Cia; at the Uokti 2 Aok ine ti bound III p11st ir pp l:r.

Sis I nuodegulys "t. Aeimynele "1 peretl 2 galvoti, nt¥tyti --hen -hen] n perekAle --mare -me:a] n veisline kumele brook bruk] I 11 knyg. Ja1lmai, briizgynas -wood -wud] " t. I ii laikyti 4 prekiauti, pardavineti 0 to "" away a nuneAtl; b nesusivaldyti; toG, maUtj 2 lreminti ease-hardened [1kets 1ha:dnd] 11 ut.

deginant riebalinius patiekalus riebalų degintojas svorio netekimas greitai

Jt] n 1 detute 2 amer. O v caught 1 sugauti, pa. S visas; t.

paauglė mergaitė negali numesti svorio svorio metimas po rny

Jnt] n koeOcientas coerclle [kau'a:s] " priversti -ton [-'a:Jn] n prievarta -lve a priversthlis coexist [1kawg 1ust] " koegzistuoti, egzlstuotl greta -ence n sambuvis coffee ['k Jn] kombinuotl, derinti; jnngti s n [1k:Jmbam]1 kombainas 2 susivienijimas combust. In a ieiti; b ieiti i mad"; to "' off a nusiluptl; nutriikti apie.

  • Svorio metimas prieš ir po moterų
  • Имея доступ ко всему, происходившему в воображаемых или реальных мирах со времени создания города, они могли не скучать.
  • Aš visada norėjau numesti svorio

Bendruomeniq rilrnai t. J~sJ a trumpas, glaustas -lum [-d1~mJ n kompendiumas; santrauka, konspektas compensatlle [ 1 k:Jmp~nse~t "atlyginti, kompensuoti -ion [ 1 lomp~n 1 seJjn a atlyginimas, kompensacija compete [k~m 1 pi:t 11 konkuruoti, vartytis competence [ 1 k:JmpJt~ns n 1 sugebejimas 2 tei Uvada 2 pasekme, rezultatas c:orona corona [ka 1rauna n.

We know you get nervous, Rabbit I see Mama's spaghetti all over your sweater I wish you would lose yourself on the records That you made a decade ago, they were better Accordin' to them, you're a national treasure To me, you're as soft as a feather The type to be scared to ask Rihanna for her number Just hold her umbrella-ella-ella I'm not afraid, okay Oscar the Grouch, chill on the couch Fuck You got an Oscar, damn Can anyone else get some food in their mouth?

Saugumo TMyba; town In priskai~iuoti; to Auksoausiasis Teismas S! J'nauns " 1 pa smerkti 2 tei6. Ut~ vedyba, derivacija -atlve [dJ 1nvat1v] 11 iAvestinis -e [dJ 1 ra~v] 11 1 kilti from 2 iAvesti; kildinti from I gautl derogatory [dJ 1 ng~t;m]o 1 telninantis 2 menkinamasis derrick ['denk] n 1 keliamasis kranas 2 grt;timo bokAtas derv [d~:v] n dyzellnis kuras descant mu.

ar badmintonas gali numesti svorį 80 kilogramų svorio netekimas per 4 mėnesius

Jruvainikuoti detonate detonatlle [1det:mett] 11 sprogti, sprogdinti -ion [1deta 1netJn n detonacija; sprogimas JsJ 1lu] n nusivylimas 11 sugriauti iliuzijas; apvilti disinclined [1dJsm 1klamd] a nelinko;s, nenorintis disinfect [1dJsm 1fekt] w dezinfekuoti -ant n dezinfekavimo priemone deslngenuous [ 1 dJsm 1 d3enju~s] a nenuol';irdus, ne5lltiningas disinherit [,dJsm 1hent] v atimti paveldejimo teiso; dlsintegratlle [d.

For real They made a movie about you, you're in everybody's top ten You're not getting better with time It's fine, Eminem, put down the pen Or write an apology Over the simple fact, you had to diss to acknowledge me I am the prodigy How could I even look up to you?

Jig is up, you fuckers who didn't write anything Are getting washed now, liga-liga-liga, like bathing Young Hova, I know hitters like Yankees Gun toters that pull triggers like crazy Unloadin', leave you shot up in your Rover Your body goes limp and slumps over Like A-Rod in a month lull, but he just homered Hold up, I said rover because now your Rover is red Like Red Rover, so you know what I meant But I roll over my opponents instead Makin' dog sounds 'cause I gotta keep breakin' these bars down I'll go slow for the speds But when I go Roof!

Ayy, kimdir Grab unga ba'zi Soch kesish uchun mashinkalar Zzzzt Uning yokmu soqol g'alati bo'lib xavfsizlik bir yilda bir reper ekstraditsiya 'millionlab qattiq munozarasi Men otam ketdi aqldan, ha, Hailie, siz to'g'ri deb o'ylayman Otaning har doim telba mikrafonni da "studiyasi tashkil cooped, yellin Siz-ku hushyor va zerikib, huh?

Shunday bo'lsa-da haqiqatni yashirish mumkin emas Sizning oxirgi to'rt Albomlar sizning selfie yomon deb hisoblanadi Endi nima uchun siz turibsizlar, menga ayting?

Z z [zed] 17 A A, a I [e1 " pl A's, a's [az] pirm. Js1v n ill. IJdristi; rizikuotl -er [·raJ t1 nuotykiq. J] "1 malonwnas 2 pi patogumai American [a 1mer1kan] " amerikletls 11 ameriklec'::! Qo, vel angel 1e.

Men siz o'zingizni turolmaydi bilaman No Intilganda sizga eski, shuning uchun yomon bo'lish uchun siz Stan o'zingiz Ha ning 50 barcha beefin "qo'yaylik Iltimos Em, 50 "pushin qilyapmiz Nega siz claimin Men qo'ng'iroq Puff deb? Diddy deb nomlangan bo'lsa, sizlarni bir faktlar Keyin siz borib, Jimmi faktlar deb nomlangan Ular konferensiya ertalab meni chaqirib nima?

kas man padės greičiau sulieknėti kaip numesti svorio laikotarpiais